News at Sun Dermatology
Welcome to the news and blog section of Sun Dermatology in Panama City. We’ll be posting interesting news about our practice as well as articles with helpful tips to make the best of your skin and a healthy life. Feel free follow our blog here at SunDerm.com and on our Facebook page at facebook.com/sundermatology
Dr. Sunseri Discusses The Bacteria In The Gulf
Dr. Sunseri talking about Flesh Eating Bacteria and Vibrio with WJHG Channel 7’s Olivia Michael.
From the article
“Dr. Jeremy Sunseri of Sun Dermatology in Panama City said, “We talk about mostly vibrio here because it grows in the Gulf waters and we see it even on things like oysters and that type of thing if they’re harvested here in the Gulf.”
Click here to read the full article:
Dr. Sunseri Returns to Panhandle Outdoors
Dr. Sunseri makes another appearance on the TV show Panhandle Outdoors with Winston Chester.
Dr. Sunseri Appears on Panhandle Outdoors
Dr. Sunseri got up real early on Thursday December 8 to appear on the TV show Panhandle Outdoors with Winston Chester.
November 2016 Ambassador Video
Take a look at the video of our Grand Opening. Supplied by the Panama City Chamber of Commerce and Miller Audio Visual, Inc.
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Sun Dermatology Is a Proud Member of the American Medical Association, American College of Mohs Surgery, the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery.
Sun Dermatology is not affiliated with Sun Pharma, or Sun Pharmaceutical, Inc
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